About Integral Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Lucknow(Muslim)
The Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Integral
University, aims to expedite its scope in the field of health care, medical education and
research under the umbrella of an eminent academician Prof. S. W. Akhtar, Hon’ble Chancellor
of Integral University, Lucknow. The Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research has
a delightful and relaxed ambience for education and all-round development of students who
come in pursuit of knowledge, skill and attitude under the exemplary leadership of the
young, enthusiastic and dynamic Executive Director Mr. Syed Fauzan Akhtar.
The Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research strives to
impart standard value-based education in highly disciplined and decorous environment. As per
the guidelines of the National Medical Commission the Institute has adopted the
competency-based teaching to all undergraduate students of Medical Sciences, with the aim to
make the Indian Medical graduate a good clinician, communicator and a life-long learner
along with the leadership qualities. The Institute takes pride and a unique distinction in
teaching through various modules: as directive lectures, early clinical exposure, AETCOM
(Attitude, ethics, communication) module, SDL (Self Directive learning), SGD (small group
discussion), SGL (Small group learning), DOAP (Demonstrate, Observe, Access and Perform).
With this there are formative assessment from time to time and summative assessment at the
end of the session. In addition to the above teaching modules for the postgraduate students
a timeline has been prepared for all the Departments in order to complete the entire
syllabus within the stipulated time. Formative assessment is also added to the curriculum.
In view of the ongoing learning, Guest Lectures, Value added courses on various aspects of
Medical subjects, Continuing Medical Education and workshops are regularly being conducted.
The Medical Institute, also takes an initiative in sharpening the
learning, promotes research projects which mainly addresses the current health problems and
whose outcome be translated into something useful to the mankind and community at large.
The hospital attached to the Medical College is 800 plus bedded,l which
also trains 1000 plus healthcare pupils. We have expanded to more than 20 departments with
round the clock Emergency & Trauma, Critical care and Blood bank services. The Integral
Institute of Medical Sciences and Research has completed 10 successful years.