About Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
The Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS) was founded
in 1961 with the establishment of the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. After the merger of
the Ministry of Health and Melli University (the Iranian National University) in 1986,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences became self-governing. It is the
second-largest medical institution in Iran, with 12,500 students studying medicine and
allied disciplines and 1,410 academic teaching staff, and is one of three medical
universities in Tehran. The government-funded university is located in northern Tehran, with
views of the Alborz Mountains.Shahid Beheshti has five research institutions and 76 research
centers, seven of which are WHO collaborating centers and work with the World Health
Organization (WHO). Endocrine and metabolism illnesses, tuberculosis education, dental
public health, eye health and blindness prevention, tobacco control, nutrition, and
educational development are among these fields.Shahid Beheshti has been in charge of
providing, maintaining, and promoting the healthcare of more than 5,250,000 Tehran residents
and the surrounding cities in Eastern and Southern Tehran Province since the Ministry of
Health and Medical Education merged in 1988, which is invaluable in student training.Tehran
is a thriving metropolis with a population of 14 million people, museums, parks,
restaurants, and warm, welcoming people. It is separated into two sections: the northern
portions are more rich, expensive, and cosmopolitan, while the southern areas are less
appealing but far less expensive.Because the city is about a mile above sea level, it is
colder than most Middle Eastern cities. Summers are hot and dry, with temperatures hovering
about 36 degrees.