About Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences & Sanaka Hospitals,
SRIMS & SH facilitates tertiary health care for all kinds of people
with a provision for below poverty line (BPL) patients, which is one of the major agendas of
the trust. All the departments like General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics,
Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, E.N.T, TB & Chest Disease (Pulmonology), GYN & OBS,
NICU/PICU, Critical Care Unit, Medical & surgical Oncology, CATH LAB , Dermatology, and
Psychiatry have their OPD. Student demonstration rooms are provided adjacent to every OPD
for clinical demonstrations to students. Also have 24X7 facility for Pharmacy, Ambulance
Service, Emergency Service, Diagnostic Services – Pathology, Radiology Services. The Central
Lab is well equipped with fully automated Biochemistry, Microbiology, Clinical Pathology,
Hematology, Cytology, Histology, Immuno Chemistry.